Element index for package ForwardFW
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- __construct
- in file Backend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Session.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend_Session::__construct()
- __construct
- in file File.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend_File::__construct()
- __construct
- in file View.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_View::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Screen.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_Screen::__construct()
- __construct
- in file DataHandler.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_Application::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Screen.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Screen::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Templater.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Templater::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Cache_Frontend::__construct()
- __construct
- in file DataHandler.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_DataHandler::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Backend.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Cache_Backend::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Application::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Sql.php, method ForwardFW_List_Sql::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Object.php, method ForwardFW_Object::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Response.php, method ForwardFW_Response::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Templater.php, method ForwardFW_Templater::__construct()
- __construct
- in file List.php, method ForwardFW_List::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Controller.php, method ForwardFW_Controller::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Filter.php, method ForwardFW_Filter::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Callback.php, method ForwardFW_Callback::__construct()
Constructor with validation of $callback
- __construct
- in file Timer.php, method ForwardFW_Object_Timer::__construct()
Starts the timer
- __construct
- in file Sql.php, method ForwardFW_Object_Sql::__construct()
- __construct
- in file RequestResponse.php, method ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse::__construct()
- __block
- in file Twig.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Twig::__block()
- __block
- in file Smarty.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Smarty::__block()
Block implementation for smarty.
- __construct
- in file Twig.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Twig::__construct()
- __construct
- in file Smarty.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Smarty::__construct()
- __texter
- in file Twig.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Twig::__texter()
- __texter
- in file Smarty.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Smarty::__texter()
Texter implementation for smarty.
- $arConnectionCache
- in file DataHandler.php, variable ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler::$arConnectionCache
- $arScreens
- in file Application.php, variable ForwardFW_Controller_Application::$arScreens
screens for this application
- addView
- in file Screen.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_Screen::addView()
Adds a view to the list of views.
- Application.php
- procedural page Application.php
- $arTablePrefix
- in file MDB2.php, variable ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler_MDB2::$arTablePrefix
- Application.php
- procedural page Application.php
- $application
- in file Controller.php, variable ForwardFW_Controller::$application
The application object.
- $arParameters
- in file Callback.php, variable ForwardFW_Callback::$arParameters
- addContent
- in file Response.php, method ForwardFW_Response::addContent()
Adds a string to the existent content string.
- addError
- in file Response.php, method ForwardFW_Response::addError()
Adds an entry to the error array.
- addLog
- in file Response.php, method ForwardFW_Response::addLog()
Adds an entry to the log array.
- addObjectByArray
- in file List.php, method ForwardFW_List::addObjectByArray()
Creates a new object of the List type, loads it with the array information and add it to the list.
- addToList
- in file List.php, method ForwardFW_List::addToList()
Adds object to the list
- $arEntries
- in file Timer.php, variable ForwardFW_Object_Timer::$arEntries
List of informational entries
- addEntry
- in file Timer.php, method ForwardFW_Object_Timer::addEntry()
Adds an entry for information output with elapsed time.
- Application.php
- procedural page Application.php
- $arShowBlocks
- in file Smarty.php, variable ForwardFW_Templater_Smarty::$arShowBlocks
- $arShowBlocks
- in file Twig.php, variable ForwardFW_Templater_Twig::$arShowBlocks
- $arVars
- in file Twig.php, variable ForwardFW_Templater_Twig::$arVars
- clear
- in file Backend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend::clear()
Clear complete cache
- clear
- in file Session.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend_Session::clear()
Clear complete cache
- clear
- in file File.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend_File::clear()
Clear complete cache
- Callback.php
- procedural page Callback.php
- $callback
- in file Function.php, variable ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Data_Function::$callback
- controlInput
- in file Screen.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_Screen::controlInput()
Control the user input, if available.
- controlView
- in file View.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_View::controlView()
Control available data for View
- controlView
- in file Screen.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_Screen::controlView()
Loads Data for views and defines which views to use.
- $callback
- in file Callback.php, variable ForwardFW_Callback::$callback
- $child
- in file Filter.php, variable ForwardFW_Filter::$child
Child filter that should be executed after your Incoming process.
- calculateHash
- in file Function.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend_Function::calculateHash()
Returns hash for this config.
- calculateHash
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend::calculateHash()
- Callback.php
- procedural page Callback.php
- Config.php
- procedural page Config.php
- Controller.php
- procedural page Controller.php
- createNew
- in file List.php, method ForwardFW_List::createNew()
Creates a new object of type $strObjectName which won't be added to list and returns this object.
- createNewToList
- in file List.php, method ForwardFW_List::createNewToList()
Creates a new Object of type $strObjectName, adds it to the list and returns the object
- createTemplater
- in file Templater.php, method ForwardFW_Templater::createTemplater()
Creation method of Templater from config.
- DataHandler.php
- procedural page DataHandler.php
- Data.php
- procedural page Data.php
- DataHandler.php
- procedural page DataHandler.php
- defineBlock
- in file Templater.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Templater::defineBlock()
- DataHandler.php
- procedural page DataHandler.php
- doCallback
- in file Callback.php, method ForwardFW_Callback::doCallback()
Do the callback
- doFilter
- in file Filter.php, method ForwardFW_Filter::doFilter()
Function to process filtering incoming/child/outgoing
- doIncomingFilter
- in file Filter.php, method ForwardFW_Filter::doIncomingFilter()
Function to process before your child
- doOutgoingFilter
- in file Filter.php, method ForwardFW_Filter::doOutgoingFilter()
Function to process after your child
- doIncomingFilter
- in file RequestResponse.php, method ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse::doIncomingFilter()
Function to process before your child
- doIncomingFilter
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse_Application::doIncomingFilter()
Function to process before your child
- doIncomingFilter
- in file FirePHP.php, method ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse_FirePHP::doIncomingFilter()
Function to process before your child
- doOutgoingFilter
- in file RequestResponse.php, method ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse::doOutgoingFilter()
Function to process after your child
- doOutgoingFilter
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse_Application::doOutgoingFilter()
Function to process after your child
- doOutgoingFilter
- in file FirePHP.php, method ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse_FirePHP::doOutgoingFilter()
Function to process after your child
- defineBlock
- in file Twig.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Twig::defineBlock()
- defineBlock
- in file Smarty.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Smarty::defineBlock()
Defines blocks in template.
- ForwardFW_Cache_Backend
- in file Backend.php, class ForwardFW_Cache_Backend
Implementation of a Cache Backend.
- ForwardFW_Cache_Exception
- in file Exception.php, class ForwardFW_Cache_Exception
Base Exception inside Framework.
- ForwardFW_Cache_Exception_IsGenerating
- in file IsGenerating.php, class ForwardFW_Cache_Exception_IsGenerating
Base Exception inside Framework.
- ForwardFW_Cache_Exception_NoData
- in file NoData.php, class ForwardFW_Cache_Exception_NoData
Base Exception inside Framework.
- ForwardFW_Cache_Exception_TimeOut
- in file TimeOut.php, class ForwardFW_Cache_Exception_TimeOut
Base Exception inside Framework.
- File.php
- procedural page File.php
- ForwardFW_Cache_Backend_File
- in file File.php, class ForwardFW_Cache_Backend_File
Implementation of a File Cache Backend.
- ForwardFW_Cache_Backend_Session
- in file Session.php, class ForwardFW_Cache_Backend_Session
Implementation of a Cache Backend.
- ForwardFW_Exception_Callback
- in file Callback.php, class ForwardFW_Exception_Callback
Base Exception inside Framework.
- ForwardFW_Exception_DataHandler
- in file DataHandler.php, class ForwardFW_Exception_DataHandler
Base Exception inside Framework.
- File.php
- procedural page File.php
- Function.php
- procedural page Function.php
- Frontend.php
- procedural page Frontend.php
- ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Backend
- in file Backend.php, class ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Backend
Config for a Cache.
- ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Backend_File
- in file File.php, class ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Backend_File
Config for a Cache.
- ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Data
- in file Data.php, class ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Data
Config for a Cache.
- ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Data_Function
- in file Function.php, class ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Data_Function
Config for a Cache.
- ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Frontend
- in file Frontend.php, class ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Frontend
Config for a Cache.
- ForwardFW_Controller_Application
- in file Application.php, class ForwardFW_Controller_Application
This Controller over one application.
- ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler
- in file DataHandler.php, class ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler
Managing DataLoading via PEAR::MDB
- ForwardFW_Controller_Screen
- in file Screen.php, class ForwardFW_Controller_Screen
This class is a basic Screen class.
- ForwardFW_Controller_View
- in file View.php, class ForwardFW_Controller_View
This class is a basic View class.
- ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler_MDB2
- in file MDB2.php, class ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler_MDB2
Managing DataLoading via PEAR::MDB2
- ForwardFW_Interface_Application
- in file Application.php, class ForwardFW_Interface_Application
This Interface must be implemented from an application.
- ForwardFW_Interface_Cache_Backend
- in file Backend.php, class ForwardFW_Interface_Cache_Backend
Interface for a Cache.
- ForwardFW_Interface_Cache_Frontend
- in file Frontend.php, class ForwardFW_Interface_Cache_Frontend
Interface for a Cache.
- ForwardFW_Interface_DataHandler
- in file DataHandler.php, class ForwardFW_Interface_DataHandler
Interface for a DataLoader.
- ForwardFW_Interface_Screen
- in file Screen.php, class ForwardFW_Interface_Screen
This Interface must be implemented from an application.
- ForwardFW_Interface_Templater
- in file Templater.php, class ForwardFW_Interface_Templater
Interface for a Templater.
- Frontend.php
- procedural page Frontend.php
- ForwardFW_List_Sql
- in file Sql.php, class ForwardFW_List_Sql
A list of models that can load themself from DB.
- ForwardFW_List_Timer
- in file Timer.php, class ForwardFW_List_Timer
A list of Timer models.
- Function.php
- procedural page Function.php
- Frontend.php
- procedural page Frontend.php
- factory
- in file Templater.php, method ForwardFW_Templater::factory()
Factory method to get Templater from config.
- Filter.php
- procedural page Filter.php
- ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend
- in file Frontend.php, class ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend
Interface for a Cache.
- ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend_Function
- in file Function.php, class ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend_Function
Implementation of a Cache.
- ForwardFW_Callback
- in file Callback.php, class ForwardFW_Callback
Config for a Cache.
- ForwardFW_Config
- in file Config.php, class ForwardFW_Config
Config for a Cache.
- ForwardFW_Controller
- in file Controller.php, class ForwardFW_Controller
This class holds basic functions for controllers.
- ForwardFW_Exception
- in file Exception.php, class ForwardFW_Exception
Base Exception inside Framework.
- ForwardFW_Filter
- in file Filter.php, class ForwardFW_Filter
This abstract class needs to be extended to be a callable filter.
- ForwardFW_List
- in file List.php, class ForwardFW_List
This is the basic List class for ForwardFW Object
- ForwardFW_Object
- in file Object.php, class ForwardFW_Object
A basic object/model inside ForwardFW, which can autoload its data fields.
- ForwardFW_Request
- in file Request.php, class ForwardFW_Request
This class represents the Request from browser.
- ForwardFW_Response
- in file Response.php, class ForwardFW_Response
This class represents the Response to the browser.
- ForwardFW_Templater
- in file Templater.php, class ForwardFW_Templater
This class can instantiate a templater class.
- ForwardFW_Object_Sql
- in file Sql.php, class ForwardFW_Object_Sql
A object/model that can load themself from DB.
- ForwardFW_Object_Timer
- in file Timer.php, class ForwardFW_Object_Timer
Model for mesuring time, can add hints with meantime
- FirePHP.php
- procedural page FirePHP.php
- ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse
- in file RequestResponse.php, class ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse
This abstract class needs to be extended to be a callable filter.
- ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse_Application
- in file Application.php, class ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse_Application
This class loads and runs the requested Application.
- ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse_FirePHP
- in file FirePHP.php, class ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse_FirePHP
This class sends the log and error message queue to the client via FirePHP.
- ForwardFW_Templater_Smarty
- in file Smarty.php, class ForwardFW_Templater_Smarty
Class to use Smarty as Templater.
- ForwardFW_Templater_Twig
- in file Twig.php, class ForwardFW_Templater_Twig
Class to use Twig as Templater.
- getData
- in file Backend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend::getData()
Gets data from Cache.
- getBackendConfig
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Frontend::getBackendConfig()
Get config of cache backend.
- getCacheBackend
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Frontend::getCacheBackend()
Get Name of cache backend.
- getCacheFrontend
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Frontend::getCacheFrontend()
Get Name of cache frontend.
- getCallback
- in file Function.php, method ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Data_Function::getCallback()
Gets the callback configuration
- getReserveOld
- in file Data.php, method ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Data::getReserveOld()
Gets the flag for old data handling.
- getTimeout
- in file Data.php, method ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Data::getTimeout()
Gets the timeout
- getCacheSystem
- in file DataHandler.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler::getCacheSystem()
Initializes and returns the caching system depending on connection configuration.
- getConnection
- in file DataHandler.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler::getConnection()
Gets the connection handler.
- getInstance
- in file DataHandler.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler::getInstance()
Returns an instance of configured DataHandler.
- getName
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_Application::getName()
Returns the name of the application
- getProcessScreen
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_Application::getProcessScreen()
Returns name of screen to be processed
- getRequest
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_Application::getRequest()
Returns the request object
- getResponse
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_Application::getResponse()
Returns the response object
- getScreen
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_Application::getScreen()
Load and return screen $strScreen
- getScreens
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_Application::getScreens()
Returns the screen configuration for this application.
- getTemplateName
- in file View.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_View::getTemplateName()
Returns the template name depending on the strViewName It replaces the underscore with path_slashes.
- getViews
- in file Screen.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_Screen::getViews()
Returns the list of views to show.
- getCache
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Cache_Frontend::getCache()
Returns content from cache or gathers the data
- getCompiled
- in file Templater.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Templater::getCompiled()
Returns compiled template for outputing.
- getData
- in file Backend.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Cache_Backend::getData()
Gets data from Cache.
- getInstance
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Cache_Frontend::getInstance()
Builds an instance of cache
- getName
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Application::getName()
Returns the name of the application
- getRequest
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Application::getRequest()
Returns the request object
- getResponse
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Application::getResponse()
Returns the response object
- getBackend
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend::getBackend()
Builds Backend of a cache configuration
- getCache
- in file Function.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend_Function::getCache()
Returns content from cache or gathers the data
- getCache
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend::getCache()
Returns content from cache or gathers the data
- getConfigParameter
- in file Request.php, method ForwardFW_Request::getConfigParameter()
Returns the config parameter for the application from configuration.
- getConfigParameter
- in file Controller.php, method ForwardFW_Controller::getConfigParameter()
Returns configuration of the given parameter for this class.
- getContent
- in file Response.php, method ForwardFW_Response::getContent()
Returns the content, which should be send back to web server.
- getDataToCache
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend::getDataToCache()
- getDataToCache
- in file Function.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend_Function::getDataToCache()
- getErrors
- in file Response.php, method ForwardFW_Response::getErrors()
Returns the array with all its log entries.
- getFrontend
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend::getFrontend()
Builds Backend of a cache configuration
- getHash
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend::getHash()
Calculates a hash by serialize and md5.
- getInstance
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend::getInstance()
Builds an instance of cache
- getLogs
- in file Response.php, method ForwardFW_Response::getLogs()
Returns the array with all its log entries.
- getObjectName
- in file List.php, method ForwardFW_List::getObjectName()
Returns the Name of the objects this list will manage
- getParameter
- in file Controller.php, method ForwardFW_Controller::getParameter()
Returns content of the given parameter for this class.
- getParameter
- in file Request.php, method ForwardFW_Request::getParameter()
Returns the parameter for the application from browser request or the session data.
- getParameters
- in file Callback.php, method ForwardFW_Callback::getParameters()
Gets the parameters array for callback.
- getRealData
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Frontend::getRealData()
Returns the real data and add it to cache. If real data fails tries to get old data from cache if available.
- getRequestParameter
- in file Request.php, method ForwardFW_Request::getRequestParameter()
Returns the request parameter from browser/user session.
- getElapsedTime
- in file Timer.php, method ForwardFW_Object_Timer::getElapsedTime()
Give elapsed time since start of timer
- getEntries
- in file Timer.php, method ForwardFW_Object_Timer::getEntries()
Gives the array with all entries till yet.
- getStopTime
- in file Timer.php, method ForwardFW_Object_Timer::getStopTime()
Gives time between start and stop.
- getTimeDifference
- in file Timer.php, method ForwardFW_Object_Timer::getTimeDifference()
Give difference between microtimes in ms.
- getFilters
- in file RequestResponse.php, method ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse::getFilters()
Builds the Filters which are defined in the configuration for RequestResponse handling.
- getRequest
- in file RequestResponse.php, method ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse::getRequest()
Returns the request object of this process
- getResponse
- in file RequestResponse.php, method ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse::getResponse()
Returns the response object of this process
- getCompiled
- in file Twig.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Twig::getCompiled()
Returns compiled template for outputing.
- getCompiled
- in file Smarty.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Smarty::getCompiled()
Returns compiled template for outputing.
- loadFrom
- in file DataHandler.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler::loadFrom()
Loads Data from a connection (DB, SOAP, File)
- loadFromCached
- in file DataHandler.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler::loadFromCached()
Loads Data from cache or from a connection (DB, SOAP, File) if cache failed.
- loadView
- in file Screen.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_Screen::loadView()
Loads the view by its Name.
- loadFrom
- in file MDB2.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler_MDB2::loadFrom()
Loads Data from a connection (DB, SOAP, File)
- loadFrom
- in file DataHandler.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_DataHandler::loadFrom()
Load method.
- loadFromCached
- in file DataHandler.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_DataHandler::loadFromCached()
Calls the loading if it isn't in cache or cache timed out.
- loadAll
- in file Sql.php, method ForwardFW_List_Sql::loadAll()
Loads all data from given table.
- loadByWhereClause
- in file Sql.php, method ForwardFW_List_Sql::loadByWhereClause()
Loads all data from given table by given where clause.
- $logTimer
- in file Response.php, variable ForwardFW_Response::$logTimer
Holds every Log message as string.
- List.php
- procedural page List.php
- loadByArray
- in file List.php, method ForwardFW_List::loadByArray()
Loads an array to this list. The array needs to hold arrays with the data of the object.
- loadByArray
- in file Object.php, method ForwardFW_Object::loadByArray()
Loads the model data out of an array as data set
- loadByID
- in file Sql.php, method ForwardFW_Object_Sql::loadByID()
Loads a the object from DB by the given ID.
- loadByWhereClause
- in file Sql.php, method ForwardFW_Object_Sql::loadByWhereClause()
Loads the object by where clause. Only first hit will be selected.
- readData
- in file Backend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend::readData()
Reads data from the cache
- removeData
- in file Backend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend::removeData()
Removes data from the cache
- readData
- in file File.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend_File::readData()
Reads data from the cache
- readData
- in file Session.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend_Session::readData()
Reads data from the cache
- removeData
- in file Session.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend_Session::removeData()
Removes data from the cache
- removeData
- in file File.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend_File::removeData()
Removes data from the cache
- $request
- in file Application.php, variable ForwardFW_Controller_Application::$request
The request object.
- $response
- in file Application.php, variable ForwardFW_Controller_Application::$response
The response object.
- run
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_Application::run()
Run screen and return generated content
- run
- in file Application.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Application::run()
Run screen and return generated content
- removeFromList
- in file List.php, method ForwardFW_List::removeFromList()
Removes given Object from List and returns state if it was in list.
- Request.php
- procedural page Request.php
- Response.php
- procedural page Response.php
- resolveTableName
- in file Sql.php, method ForwardFW_Object_Sql::resolveTableName()
Returns the name of table out of prefix and object name cobined with an underscore and lowercased.
- reStart
- in file Timer.php, method ForwardFW_Object_Timer::reStart()
Set new start time and resets entries
- $request
- in file RequestResponse.php, variable ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse::$request
The Request object
- $response
- in file RequestResponse.php, variable ForwardFW_Filter_RequestResponse::$response
The Response object
- RequestResponse.php
- procedural page RequestResponse.php
- setData
- in file Backend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend::setData()
Sets data into Cache.
- setGenerating
- in file Backend.php, method ForwardFW_Cache_Backend::setGenerating()
Sets marker that cache will be generated yet.
- Session.php
- procedural page Session.php
- $strCacheBackend
- in file Frontend.php, variable ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Frontend::$strCacheBackend
- $strCacheFrontend
- in file Frontend.php, variable ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Frontend::$strCacheFrontend
- $strPath
- in file File.php, variable ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Backend_File::$strPath
- setBackendConfig
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Frontend::setBackendConfig()
Config of the Backend
- setCacheBackend
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Frontend::setCacheBackend()
Sets Name of BE Cache
- setCacheFrontend
- in file Frontend.php, method ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Frontend::setCacheFrontend()
Sets Name of FE Cache
- setCallback
- in file Function.php, method ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Data_Function::setCallback()
Sets the callback
- setReserveOld
- in file Data.php, method ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Data::setReserveOld()
Sets the flag if Old data should be used on error while fetching data.
- setTimeout
- in file Data.php, method ForwardFW_Config_Cache_Data::setTimeout()
Sets the timeout
- $strName
- in file Application.php, variable ForwardFW_Controller_Application::$strName
Configuration name of application
- Screen.php
- procedural page Screen.php
- saveTo
- in file DataHandler.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler::saveTo()
Saves Data to a connection (DB, SOAP, File)
- saveTo
- in file MDB2.php, method ForwardFW_Controller_DataHandler_MDB2::saveTo()
Saves Data to a connection (DB, SOAP, File)
- Screen.php
- procedural page Screen.php
- saveTo
- in file DataHandler.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_DataHandler::saveTo()
Save method.
- setData
- in file Backend.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Cache_Backend::setData()
Sets data from Cache.
- setGenerating
- in file Backend.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Cache_Backend::setGenerating()
Sets marker that cache will be generated yet.
- setTemplateFile
- in file Templater.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Templater::setTemplateFile()
Sets file to use for templating
- setVar
- in file Templater.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Templater::setVar()
Sets a var in the template to a value
- showBlock
- in file Templater.php, method ForwardFW_Interface_Templater::showBlock()
- $strDBConnection
- in file Sql.php, variable ForwardFW_List_Sql::$strDBConnection
Name of the connection which should be used for this object to load/save.
- $strTableName
- in file Sql.php, variable ForwardFW_List_Sql::$strTableName
Name of the table, which is mostly a prefix and the object name in lowercase.
- $strTablePrefix
- in file Sql.php, variable ForwardFW_List_Sql::$strTablePrefix
Prefix for the table name
- Sql.php
- procedural page Sql.php
- $strContent
- in file Response.php, variable ForwardFW_Response::$strContent
Holds the content to send back to web server.
- $strIdFieldName
- in file Object.php, variable ForwardFW_Object::$strIdFieldName
Name of the field in data array, which holds the ID
- $strObjectName
- in file List.php, variable ForwardFW_List::$strObjectName
Name of the object this list will manage
- saveToArray
- in file Object.php, method ForwardFW_Object::saveToArray()
Saves the model data into an array as data set
- setParameters
- in file Callback.php, method ForwardFW_Callback::setParameters()
Sets the parameters array for callback.
- sort
- in file List.php, method ForwardFW_List::sort()
Sorts the array
- Start.php
- procedural page Start.php
- $strDBConnection
- in file Sql.php, variable ForwardFW_Object_Sql::$strDBConnection
Name of the connection which should be used for this object to load/save.
- $strName
- in file Timer.php, variable ForwardFW_Object_Timer::$strName
Name of this Timer for output
- $strTableName
- in file Sql.php, variable ForwardFW_Object_Sql::$strTableName
Name of the table, which is mostly a prefix and the object name in lowercase.
- $strTablePrefix
- in file Sql.php, variable ForwardFW_Object_Sql::$strTablePrefix
Prefix for the table name
- Sql.php
- procedural page Sql.php
- save
- in file Sql.php, method ForwardFW_Object_Sql::save()
Saves the object to DB. If ID is set, then the DB will be updated. Otherwise an insert statement will create it. The new ID will saved in object.
- stop
- in file Timer.php, method ForwardFW_Object_Timer::stop()
Stops the timer
- $smarty
- in file Smarty.php, variable ForwardFW_Templater_Smarty::$smarty
- setTemplateFile
- in file Twig.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Twig::setTemplateFile()
Sets file to use for templating
- setTemplateFile
- in file Smarty.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Smarty::setTemplateFile()
Sets file to use for templating
- setVar
- in file Twig.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Twig::setVar()
Sets a var in the template to a value
- setVar
- in file Smarty.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Smarty::setVar()
Sets a var in the template to a value
- showBlock
- in file Smarty.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Smarty::showBlock()
Shows block in template.
- showBlock
- in file Twig.php, method ForwardFW_Templater_Twig::showBlock()
- Smarty.php
- procedural page Smarty.php